Straight Type Thermocouple Temperature Meter

Thermocouple Temperature Meter | -200°C ile +2320°C

Straight Type Thermocouples have very high temperature range such as -200°C ile +2320°C. Therefore, has a very wide range of applications. Process conditions should be well analyzed for can be selectable to correctly product.Appropriate measuring element, insulator and the outer sheath is required. Depending on these inner jacket should be selected correctly.Made the right choice extends life of product.Thus, we recommend that you consult our engineers at the product selection.

Technical Documentation

  • PDF l Technical Properties
  • PDF l User Guide
  • PDF l Connection Scheme

Thermocoupl Standards

  • THERMOCOUPL: DIN 43710 and IEC 584
  • EXTERNAL PROTECTIVE: At DIN and AISI standards metal, DIN 40685 Ceramic
  • HEAD: DIN 43729 A type and B type Aluminum casting head. IP67-protection

Technical Properties

  • Immertion Length: Please indicate in the manufacturing stage.
  • Immertion Diameter: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm (if you ask different)
  • Connection Record: ½”
  • Output Signal: mV or 4-20mA
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