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Mastering Flowmeter Calibration for Accurate Measurements

Comprehensive Guide to Flowmeter Calibration

As flowmeter suppliers, our primary focus is on accurately measuring low flow rates of gases and liquids. Our goal is to provide our customers with high-quality measuring devices that suit their needs.

Quality control of these devices is of utmost importance to us. In the final stage of flowmeter production, we conduct flowmeter calibration on all units to ensure precise flow measurements. In the industrial world, there can sometimes be confusion regarding the terms calibration, recalibration, and adjustment. Therefore, we aim to clarify these concepts in this field.

What is the difference between calibration and recalibration of flowmeters?

In simple terms, calibration involves comparing the output of a measuring device with a reference standard. This process is straightforward when using the appropriate equipment for flowmeters. It can also be carried out by reaching out to an experienced service office or a Calibration Center, or it can be done by the end user.

Recalibration is essentially a term used for "re-checking" and is often employed when a purchased flowmeter is returned to the factory for periodic calibration verification. Recalibration is also compared to a stable reference, essentially the same as the initial calibration, and typically does not require any adjustments.

What is adjustment, and when is it necessary?

For customers, the paramount concern is to have a properly functioning measuring device. Periodic calibration checks are sometimes referred to as "as-is" calibration. Adjustment is recommended if the meter deviates outside the specified limits. Adjustments can be carried out at the RST Measurement Control Center or by the customer if they possess the appropriate equipment. The device is then recalibrated and returned with a new calibration certificate, displaying the accurate values.

Why is calibration necessary?

Every device is susceptible to wear, tear, and contamination. A periodic check is often advised to ensure that instruments accurately measure values that reflect reality. In some applications, legislative requirements, standards, or directives mandate periodic checks. Minor deviations are often attributed to the aging of mechanical and analog electrical components and are nearly inevitable. If the deviation exceeds a few percent, it is usually due to dirt or wear. In such cases, a comprehensive service, repair, and re-adjustment of the device are recommended.















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