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What is a datalogger, where and for what purpose is it used?

What is a Data-Logger, Where and for What purpose is it used?

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A data logger is an electronic device designed to record information at regular intervals. The specific type of information to be recorded can be customized by the user. In our context, we focus on topics such as temperature, humidity, pressure, voltage, and water levels, all subject to certain physical limitations.

In today's world, as we implement numerous applications and projects, the processing of large volumes of data becomes essential. Accurate and complete storage of this processed data is critical for the successful continuity of any project or application. Data recorders or dataloggers are essential electronic devices that aid in storing and recording data.

These devices enable the collection of various external data, such as temperature, humidity, and pressure, within a single device. Especially in applications where even the slightest changes matter, precise measurement, recording, and communication of values are crucial. Thanks to dataloggers, events like temperature, pressure, and humidity changes occurring within a specific environment over a defined period can be recorded and monitored.

So, what exactly is a data logger? A datalogger is a device equipped with sensors that collect and record data, and this recorded data can be reported when necessary. The reports generated by dataloggers are valuable for observing changes in measured values over a defined time frame. Reports resulting from accumulated data may reveal sudden or unexpected changes. Dataloggers can be powered through electrical connections or batteries, making them versatile and suitable for various projects. Their ability to operate without a continuous power source adds to their popularity.

What about temperature data loggers? Temperature data loggers are among the most commonly used electronic devices in various applications. Their primary purpose is to record data related to temperature values in the external environment. These battery-operated devices can store temperature values independently, without connecting to any interface. They are particularly favored in critical processes such as cold chain logistics, temperature-sensitive supply chains, and pharmaceutical transportation. In these applications, temperature data loggers can be placed inside trucks, containers, or other transport vehicles to record measurements. Since measurements can be taken without connecting to external devices, temperature values are accurately recorded throughout the entire journey. The data collected can be saved in PDF or TXT formats. Based on the report results, you can determine whether there were temperature fluctuations during transport or shipping.

How are measurements conducted with data logger devices? To begin, you must determine the time intervals for measurements. Depending on the chosen data logger model, measurements can be made at various time intervals and recorded. The measurement frequency can be as infrequent as once per hour or as frequent as once per second or even millisecond. The choice of measurement range depends on the project's requirements and data needs. These devices utilize sensors placed on the dataloggers to directly record the measured values. Dataloggers are portable, but they can also connect to a computer interface for data storage. If data is to be recorded on a computer, the device needs to remain stationary and connected via a cable.

When selecting a data logger, you should consider the specific areas in which it will be used. For monitoring the cold chain in logistics and transportation, the device must be battery-operated, cable-free, and have sufficient battery life. The data recording frequency is also crucial; choose a device that meets your specific data collection requirements. Additionally, consider the format in which you want your data reported.

At RST Measurement Control Instruments and Automation Services, we provide Tempmate, the most accurate and reliable data recording devices. We distribute these devices because you can't effectively manage what you don't measure.

For more information and available models, please visit our datalogger products page or reach out to us for further assistance.















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