Humidity | Temperature Data Logger TCW210-TH

Temperature and Humidity Data Loggers TCW210-TH

A temperature and humidity data recorder with an Ethernet interface is called TCW210-TH. A regular web browser can be used to view charts and real-time data for temperature, humidity, and dew point (no additional software is required).
All observed parameters are stored by the gadget in internal flash memory. Records are kept based on the most recent predetermined time period and/or an alarm situation. Memory space permits a minimum 36-day log with records per minute. Periodically, using HTTP Post, the log file can be uploaded to a dedicated server.

Circular buffer is used by the logger in FLASH memory. When it is filled, the most recent data replaces the previous one. In this way, FLASH memory continuously keeps a full log. There is no order.

Temperature or temperature-humidity sensors are supported by TCW210-TH. All of them can be connected to a more reliable MODBUS RTU using RS485 or a 1-wire interface. The use of either of the two interfaces is unimportant; there can only be a maximum of eight sensors.
The TCW210-TH can start an HTTP post connection to a distant dedicated server. This post's payload is an XML or JSON file. The current values for monitoring parameters are contained in the files. An HTTP post can be sent once a while or in response to a defined alert.
For M2M applications, standard protocols like SNMP, MODBUS/TCP, and HTTP/API are also accessible.

ThingSpeak server connection is supported by TCW210-TH. The simultaneous processing of four separate parameters (channels) is possible. You may see here how to set up a local ThingSpeak server.


  • Data logger for humidity and temperature with up to 70000 recordings;
  • Graphing of the temperature, humidity, and dew point;
  • Support for up to eight 1-Wire and MODBUS RTU sensors;
  • TCP/IP support for MODBUS;
  • Support for SNMP version 2 with up to 5 recipients for trap alarms;
  • Secure email transmission with support for TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2;
  • HTTP API instructions and XML/JSON for client-server systems;
  • Support for Dynamic DNS for No-IP, DynDNS, and DNS-O-Matic providers;
  • Support for time synchronization via the network time protocol (NTP);
  • Support for ThingSpeak service;
  • Compatible with TC Monitor;
  • Updating remote firmware using a regular browser;


  • SOHO environmental monitoring
  • Industrial processes data logging
  • Data center environmental monitoring
  • Temperature and humidity monitoring for food and beverage stores

Technical Properties:

  • Physical characteristics
  • Dimensions: 130 x 70 x 30 mm
  • Weight: 140 g
  • Environmental limits
  • Operating тemperature range: -20 to 55°C
  • Storage temperature range: -25 to 60°C
  • Operating relative humidity range: 5 to 85% (non-condensing)
  • Warranty
  • Warranty period: 3 years
  • Power requirements
  • Input Voltage: 10 to 28 VDC
  • Input Current: 170 mA @ 12 VDC
  • 1-Wire and RS485 interface
  • Output voltage (+VW): 5.0 ± 0.3 VDC
  • Maximum output current (+VW): 0.2 A
  • Internal FLASH memory
  • Endurance: 100 000 cycles (Every settings change is a memory cycle.)